Monday, December 9, 2013

Jennifers Presentation Reflection

Overall this was a fun topic and a great lesson. For our lesson I think that the art activity was the best part. It kept everyone engaged and it was a fun activity. The challenge of our lesson was narrowing down our topic. It was very difficult to focus on one specific part of economic sustainability. I learned that everyone has a creative side to them and that you can easily recycle materials into art. I think I would take more time on trying to narrow down the topic if I were to do this again.
             I feel as though this project gave me more insight on how it important it is to create a more sustainable planet.  I have also learned different steps I can take ot contribute to sustainability.

Presentation Reflections

Alana’s Reflection: For our blog presentation we were asked to find some way to use the arts in the classroom as a teaching strategy. Our group chose to create a short PowerPoint to introduce the topic of economic sustainability to our colleagues. We showed three video clips from The Story of Stuff to help us explain the issues of waste and sustainability. After this we gave some examples of artists that create their artwork from entirely recycled/reclaimed materials. We had brought in all kinds of recycled materials and pieces of trash; labels, bottle caps, packing paper, old magazines, etc. and we asked our peers to work in two groups to create a piece of artwork that made a statement about sustainability.

Our classmates seemed very enthusiastic about this project and we not hesitant to get their hands dirty. The groups worked together well and each group came up with a different idea of using the materials to create artwork with a statement. One of the groups created a sign that said, “Recycle” and had the three recycling arrows on it. The other group created the Pacific Ocean Garbage Patch – the giant accumulation of trash that has built up in the middle of the ocean and is arguably twice the size of Texas. Both of these pieces of art made the intended statement; that we must do something to discourage the immense waste that happens in our country and find ways to live a more sustainable life.

I think that overall our presentation went very well. Many people were already informed on the idea of sustainability, so that helped our presentation flow very easily. Our peers worked well together and seemed to quickly agree upon a direction for their projects. This activity really engaged all of the participants in a hands-on way, which is something that I strive for in my teaching philosophy. I think that my classmates did learn more about sustainability through this project, and this was a great way to get them to think about the purpose art could have in speaking up for a cause.

As far as our current event went, I think that our group still had trouble narrowing down our field, but we did the best that we could with such a broad topic. I am glad that we did these blogs because I did learn more about my topic and some of the topics the other groups were working on. I think that it is very important for teachers to be informed of current events and it’s a great way to get people involved in community issues. I think that when I am busy especially I tend to ignore the news and some of my civic duties, but after doing this blog I have realized how important it is to be knowledgeable about my community and the things I have the ability to change.